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Narration: Indirect to Direct Speech
Bihar Board
Class 12th
English Medium
हिन्दी माध्यम
English Grammar
» Narration: Indirect to Direct Speech
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Narration: Indirect to Direct Speech
Bihar Board
Class 12th
English Medium
हिन्दी माध्यम
English Grammar
» Narration: Indirect to Direct Speech
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Multiple Choice
ID- 671
1. She thanked me. (Choose the correct direct narration)
(A) She said to him, "Thank you."
(B) She says to him, "Thank you."
(C) She say to me, "Thank you."
(D) She said to me, "Thank you."
Multiple Choice
ID- 672
2020A, I.Sc.
2. Shyam asked her if she was ill. (Choose the correct direct narration).
(A) Shyam asked her, "You are ill."
(B) Shyam told her, "Was she ill?"
(C) Shyam said to her, "Are you ill?"
(D) Shyam said to her. "Is she ill?"
Multiple Choice
ID- 673
2019A, I.Sc.
3. Radha asked Ravi where his father was. (Choose the correct direct narration).
(A) Radha said to Ravi, "Where is your father."
(B) Radha said to Ravi, "Where is your father?"
(C) Radha said to Ravi, "Where was his father?"
(D) None of these
Multiple Choice
ID- 674
2021A, I.Sc.
4. He told the boy not to sit there. (Choose the correct direct narration).
(A) "Doesn't sit there," he said to the boy.
(B) "Didn't sit there," he said to the boy.
(C) "Didn't sit here," he said to the boy.
(D) "Don't sit here," he said to the boy.
Multiple Choice
ID- 8697
5. Sonu asked Ravi where her books were.
(A) Sonu said to Ravi, "Where is you are books?"
(B) Sonu said to Ravi, "Where your books?"
(C) Sonu said to Ravi, "Where are your books?"
(D) Sonu said to ravi, "Where is your book?"
Multiple Choice
ID- 8698
6. The girl asked me who I was.
(A) The girl said to me, "Who is you?"
(B) The girl said to "Who are you?"
(C) The girl said to me, "Who are you?"
(D) The girl said to I, "Who are?"
Multiple Choice
ID- 8699
7. The wife asked him why he was laughing.
(A) "Why are you laughing?" the wife ask to him.
(B) "Why are you laughing?" a wife ask him.
(C) "Why are you laughing?" wife asked him.
(D) "Why are you laughing?" the wife asked him.
Multiple Choice
ID- 8700
8. He asked me if I had seen his book.
(A) He said to me, "Have you seen my book?"
(B) He said to me, "Have you seen I book?"
(C) He said to me, "Have you seen by book?"
(D) He said to me, "Have you seen your book?"
Multiple Choice
ID- 8701
9. He asked me if I could return it the next day.
(A) He said to me, "Can you return at tomorrow?"
(B) He said to me, "Can you return it tomorrow?"
(C) He said to me, "Can you return by tomorrow?"
(D) He said to me, "Can you return in the tomorrow?"
Multiple Choice
ID- 8702
10. My mother wished that I might get the prize.
(A) My mother said to me, "May I get in prize!"
(B) My mother said to me, "May I get the prize!"
(C) My mother said to me, "May you get prize!"
(D) My mother said to me, "May you get the prize!"
Multiple Choice
ID- 8703
11. He thanked me.
(A) He said, "Thank you!"
(B) we said, "Thank you!"
(C) she said, "Thank you!"
(D) I said, "Thank you!"