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Idioms and Phrases
Bihar Board
Class 12th
English Medium
हिन्दी माध्यम
English Grammar
» Idioms and Phrases
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Idioms and Phrases
Bihar Board
Class 12th
English Medium
हिन्दी माध्यम
English Grammar
» Idioms and Phrases
Objective Questions
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Multiple Choice
ID- 848
1. A dark horse—
(A) A wild animal
(B) A black horse
(C) An unknown entry
(D) A front runner
Multiple Choice
ID- 849
2. A secred cow—
(A) a persn never to be criticised
(B) a saintly person
(C) a very religious person
(D) a helpful person
Multiple Choice
ID- 850
3. A wild goose chase—
(A) a desperate effort
(B) a useful effort
(C) a good effort
(D) a baseless effort
Multiple Choice
ID- 851
4. A close shave—
(A) A narrow escape from danger
(B) Stubble
(C) Very short fair
(D) Hairless skin
Multiple Choice
ID- 852
5. A close-fisted person—
(A) A powerful person
(B) A miser
(C) A close friend
(D) A cowardly person
Multiple Choice
ID- 854
6. A man of straw—
(A) A man of no substance
(B) A very active person
(C) A worthy fellow
(D) An unreasonable person
Multiple Choice
ID- 855
7. At the eleventh hour—
(A) at the very beginning
(B) at the very fast
(C) at once
(D) once upon a time
Multiple Choice
ID- 856
8. A small fry—
(A) unimportant
(B) weak
(C) little
(D) important
Multiple Choice
ID- 857
9. A red letter day—
(A) A dangerous day
(B) A sorrowful day
(C) An important day
(D) None of these
Multiple Choice
ID- 858
10. Butt in—
(A) Record
(B) Impose
(C) Improvise
(D) Interrupt
Multiple Choice
ID- 887
11. Bring to light–
(A) introduced
(B) revealed
(C) seen
(D) brought to life
Multiple Choice
ID- 888
12. By fits and starts-
(A) regularly
(B) irregularly
(C) certainly
(D) fairly
Multiple Choice
ID- 889
13. By leaps and bounds—
(A) rapidly
(B) slowly
(C) sharply
(D) simply
Multiple Choice
ID- 890
14. Blowing his own trumpet—
(A) Clattering
(B) Shouting
(C) Clamouring
(D) Boasting
Multiple Choice
ID- 891
15. Bad blood—
(A) Shooting
(B) Anaemia
(C) Enmity
(D) Mourning
Multiple Choice
ID- 892
2018A, I.A.
16. Break into—
(A) dissolve
(B) produce
(C) enter by force
(D) distribute
Multiple Choice
ID- 893
17. By hook or by crook—
(A) To make possible by any means
(B) fair means
(C) decent means
(D) by no means
Multiple Choice
ID- 894
18. Blue-eyed boys—
(A) royal children
(B) young boy
(C) foreigners
(D) favorites
Multiple Choice
ID- 895
19. Cat-nap—
(A) Rest
(B) Fitful Sleep
(C) Long Sleep
(D) Short Sleep
Multiple Choice
ID- 896
20. Carry out—
(A) to take in
(B) complete something
(C) continue
(D) bring
Multiple Choice
ID- 897
21. Cats and dogs—
(A) heavily
(B) drizzling
(C) scatteredly
(D) thinly
Multiple Choice
ID- 898
22. Come to grief—
(A) suffer
(B) enjoy
(C) addicted
(D) go upon the extreme
Multiple Choice
ID- 899
23. Cold comfort—
(A) Absurdity
(B) Deception
(C) Slight satisfaction
(D) Foolish proposal
Multiple Choice
ID- 900
24. Curring favour with—
(A) pleasing
(B) favouring
(C) Obliging
(D) ingratiating itself with
Multiple Choice
ID- 901
25. Dog in a manger—
(A) warm
(B) selfish
(C) cold
(D) selfless
Multiple Choice
ID- 902
26. Donkey's years—
(A) a long time
(B) a short time
(C) for donkeys
(D) for few years
Multiple Choice
ID- 903
27. Done up—
(A) Energetic
(B) Relaxed
(C) Fresh
(D) Exhausted
Multiple Choice
ID- 904
28. Every inch a gentleman—
(A) somewhat
(B) partly
(C) entirely
(D) calculatively
Multiple Choice
ID- 905
29. Fit her like a glove—
(A) Too large
(B) Too shabby
(C) Too tight
(D) Perfectly
Multiple Choice
ID- 906
30. Fight sky of—
(A) fight with
(B) avoid
(C) embrrass
(D) shout at
Multiple Choice
ID- 907
31. Foam at the mouth—
(A) vomit
(B) shy
(C) fall sky
(D) angry
Multiple Choice
ID- 908
32. For good—
(A) urgently
(B) permanently
(C) temporarily
(D) immediately
Multiple Choice
ID- 909
33. From the bottom of my heart—
(A) totally
(B) wholly
(C) sincerely
(D) lowest position
Multiple Choice
ID- 910
34. For better or worse—
(A) in good times
(B) in bad times
(C) sometimes
(D) always
Multiple Choice
ID- 911
35. Fell back—
(A) fell on the ground
(B) yielded
(C) ran back
(D) turned back
Multiple Choice
ID- 912
36. Gate crasher—
(A) invader
(B) thief
(C) uninvited guest
(D) children
Multiple Choice
ID- 913
37. Gall and wormwood—
(A) A problem
(B) Hateful
(C) Useless
(D) Hard to digest
Multiple Choice
ID- 914
38. Gave away—
(A) let go
(B) released
(C) gave back
(D) distributed
Multiple Choice
ID- 915
2018A, I.A.
39. Get ride of—
(A) be free from
(B) full freedom
(C) not so free
(D) riding
Multiple Choice
ID- 916
40. Give and take—
(A) adjustment
(B) make believe
(C) always
(D) giving
Multiple Choice
ID- 917
41. Green-eyed monster—
(A) anger
(B) hatred
(C) envy
(D) jealousy
Multiple Choice
ID- 918
42. Grease anybody's palm—
(A) bribe
(B) flatter
(C) cheat
(D) fight
Multiple Choice
ID- 919
43. Give in—
(A) approve
(B) like
(C) permit
(D) yield
Multiple Choice
ID- 920
44. Hold your tongue—
(A) be silent
(B) give advice
(C) defend
(D) argue
Multiple Choice
ID- 921
45. High handed—
(A) kind
(B) over bearing
(C) prompt
(D) adept
Multiple Choice
ID- 922
46. Herculean task—
(A) An easy puzzle
(B) A good contest
(C) A difficult thing
(D) A hurried job
Multiple Choice
ID- 923
47. Husband our resources—
(A) support
(B) sing
(C) concede
(D) save
Multiple Choice
ID- 924
48. High and dry—
(A) wounded
(B) alone
(C) depressed
(D) neglected
Multiple Choice
ID- 925
49. In the air—
(A) undecided
(B) certain
(C) under consideration
(D) for approval
Multiple Choice
ID- 926
50. In Dutch—
(A) in love
(B) in good terms
(C) in awe
(D) in trouble
Multiple Choice
ID- 927
51. In a nutshell—
(A) writing
(B) brief
(C) angrily
(D) casually
Multiple Choice
ID- 928
52. Ins and outs—
(A) entry nad exit
(B) seperate ways
(C) route
(D) full details
Multiple Choice
ID- 929
53. In cold blood—
(A) angrily
(B) deliberately
(C) excitedly
(D) slowly
Multiple Choice
ID- 930
54. In the long run—
(A) permanently
(B) universally
(C) occasionally
(D) ultimately
Multiple Choice
ID- 931
55. In high spirits—
(A) in good position
(B) drunk
(C) cheerful
(D) shocked
Multiple Choice
ID- 932
56. King of metals—
(A) iron
(B) gold
(C) diamonds
(D) platinum
Multiple Choice
ID- 933
57. Keep your head—
(A) keep faith in
(B) remain calm
(C) believe in
(D) trust the others
Multiple Choice
ID- 934
58. Latched on—
(A) promoted
(B) discovered
(C) exposed
(D) explored
Multiple Choice
ID- 935
59. Live-wire—
(A) naughty
(B) energetic
(C) lazy
(D) dangerous
Multiple Choice
ID- 936
60. Live from hand to mouth—
(A) lavishly
(B) happily
(C) comfortably
(D) miserably
Multiple Choice
ID- 937
61. Lose your head—
(A) get angry
(B) get a headache
(C) be embarrassed
(D) shave your hair
Multiple Choice
ID- 938
62. Made light of—
(A) did not hear
(B) treated it lightly
(C) blew away
(D) carried with him
Multiple Choice
ID- 939
63. Make room—
(A) clean the room
(B) make space
(C) attain the room
(D) make a clean sweep
Multiple Choice
ID- 940
64. Make believe—
(A) hatred
(B) treachery
(C) pretence
(D) reality
Multiple Choice
ID- 941
65. Make amends for—
(A) confess
(B) compensate
(C) improve
(D) pay debt
Multiple Choice
ID- 942
66. Maiden speech—
(A) long speech
(B) first speech
(C) breef speech
(D) emotional speech
Multiple Choice
ID- 943
67. Make do—
(A) create
(B) do
(C) produce
(D) manage
Multiple Choice
ID- 944
68. Null and void—
(A) empty
(B) valid
(C) impossible
(D) invalid
Multiple Choice
ID- 945
69. No hard and fast—
(A) easy
(B) strict
(C) fixed
(D) slow
Multiple Choice
ID- 946
70. On cloud nine—
(A) frustrated
(B) very happy
(C) confused
(D) shocked
Multiple Choice
ID- 947
71. No spring chicken—
(A) inexperienced
(B) not young
(C) a dead chicken
(D) not energetic
Multiple Choice
ID- 948
72. Off and On—
(A) up and about
(B) often
(C) really and truth
(D) once upon a time
Multiple Choice
ID- 949
73. Out of the question—
(A) undesirable
(B) impossible
(C) unpleasant
(D) irresistible
Multiple Choice
ID- 950
74. Over head and ears—
(A) carefully
(B) completely
(C) brilliantly
(D) cautiously
Multiple Choice
ID- 951
75. Out of this word—
(A) extraordinary
(B) ordinary
(C) bitter
(D) tasteless
Multiple Choice
ID- 952
76. Puts by—
(A) spends carefully
(B) saves
(C) gives away
(D) loses
Multiple Choice
ID- 953
77. Piece of his mind—
(A) suggestion
(B) advice
(C) gist
(D) scolding
Multiple Choice
ID- 954
78. Pulls no punches—
(A) speaks politely
(B) speaks frankly
(C) speaks rudely
(D) speaks sweetly
Multiple Choice
ID- 955
79. Played dicks and drakes—
(A) spent
(B) preserved
(C) collected
(D) squandered
Multiple Choice
ID- 956
80. Picks on him—
(A) advises
(B) warns severely
(C) selects
(D) treats only
Multiple Choice
ID- 957
81. Pulled up—
(A) assaulted
(B) dragged
(C) reprimanded
(D) cleared
Multiple Choice
ID- 958
82. Run down—
(A) fight with
(B) follow
(C) make a mention of
(D) criticise
Multiple Choice
ID- 959
83. Rises with the lark—
(A) at midnight
(B) after sunrise
(C) very early
(D) very late
Multiple Choice
ID- 960
84. Run into—
(A) incurred
(B) settled
(C) opened up
(D) avoided
Multiple Choice
ID- 961
85. Ran into—
(A) hit
(B) met accidentally
(C) planned to meet
(D) invited
Multiple Choice
ID- 962
86. Snake in the grass—
(A) an unreliable and deceitful person
(B) a hidden enemy
(C) low and mean
(D) cowardly and brutal
Multiple Choice
ID- 963
87. Salad says—
(A) childhood
(B) adolescence
(C) school days
(D) old age
Multiple Choice
ID- 964
88. Set about—
(A) looked ground
(B) took charge
(C) started
(D) took steps towards
Multiple Choice
ID- 965
89. Stood his ground—
(A) knelt
(B) surrendered
(C) kept standing
(D) refused to yield
Multiple Choice
ID- 966
90. Saw through—
(A) anticipated
(B) detected
(C) witnessed
(D) defeated
Multiple Choice
ID- 967
91. Stand by—
(A) release
(B) energise
(C) support
(D) accompany
Multiple Choice
ID- 968
92. Spick and span—
(A) well-furnished
(B) clean and tidy
(C) untidy
(D) closed
Multiple Choice
ID- 969
93. Sum and substance—
(A) Outline
(B) theme
(C) conclusion
(D) gist
Multiple Choice
ID- 970
94. Sit in judgement—
(A) lecture
(B) criticize
(C) speak
(D) communicate
Multiple Choice
ID- 971
95. Throw cold water—
(A) encourage
(B) discourage
(C) attack
(D) drench
Multiple Choice
ID- 972
96. To talk to taste—
(A) forgave him
(B) slapped him
(C) gave him extra work
(D) reprimanded him
Multiple Choice
ID- 973
97. To be in a fix—
(A) in pain
(B) in distress
(C) depressed
(D) in a difficult situation
Multiple Choice
ID- 974
2021A, I.Sc.
98. .......... he went for a walk. (Choose the correct phrase).
(A) Along with
(B) All in all
(C) As usual
(D) After all
Multiple Choice
ID- 975
2021A, I.Sc.
99. He is a man of (Choose the correct phrase).
(A) script
(B) letters
(C) words
(D) text
Multiple Choice
ID- 976
2021A, I.Sc.
100. I read the Ramayana. (Choose the correct phrase).
(A) narrow escape
(B) more or less
(C) now and again
(D) neck and neck
Multiple Choice
ID- 1540
101. Blowing own his trumpet -
(A) Clattering
(B) Shouting
(C) Clamouring
(D) Boasting
Multiple Choice
ID- 1547
102. Currying favour with -
(A) Pleasing
(B) Favouring
(C) Obliging
(D) Ingratiating itself with
Multiple Choice
ID- 1551
103. Fight shy of -
(A) Fight with
(B) Avoid
(C) Embrrass
(D) Shout at
Multiple Choice
ID- 1553
104. Form the bottom of my heart -
(A) Totally
(B) Wholly
(C) Sincerely
(D) Lowest position
Multiple Choice
ID- 1570
105. In a long run-
(A) Permanently
(B) Universally
(C) Occasionally
(D) Ultimately
Multiple Choice
ID- 1577
106. Love your head -
(A) Get angry
(B) Get a headache
(C) Be embarrassed
(D) Shave your hair
Multiple Choice
ID- 1593
107. Played ducks and drakes-
(A) Spent
(B) Preserved
(C) Collected
(D) Squandered
Multiple Choice
ID- 1601
108. Salad days-
(A) Childhood
(B) Adolescence
(C) School days
(D) Old age
Multiple Choice
ID- 1606
109. Soick and span-
(A) Well-furnished
(B) Clean and tidy
(C) Untidy
(D) Closed
Multiple Choice
ID- 1610
110. To take to task-
(A) Forgave him
(B) Slapped him
(C) Gave him extra work
(D) Reprimanded him
Multiple Choice
ID- 1612
111. He is a man of (Choose the correct phrase)
(A) Script
(B) Letters
(C) Words
(D) Text
Multiple Choice
ID- 1613
112. I read the Ramayana. (Choose the suitable phrase )
(A) Narrow escape
(B) More or less
(C) Now and again
(D) Neck and neck
Multiple Choice
ID- 8705
113. 'come across'
(A) pass away
(B) remove
(C) meet by chance
(D) go on
Multiple Choice
ID- 8706
114. His murderers are still at large.
(A) have been arrested
(B) have not been arrested
(C) are about to commit fresh murders
(D) thier attempt to murder has been foiled
Multiple Choice
ID- 8707
115. He easily creates bad blood among people.
(A) spills blood
(B) makes friends
(C) creates enmity
(D) antagonises people
Multiple Choice
ID- 8708
116. To do this is a plain sailing for us..
(A) easy task
(B) uphill task
(C) expensive affair
(D) very pleasant task
Multiple Choice
ID- 8709
117. This project bids fair to success.
(A) is likely to succeed
(B) will prove to be useless
(C) will party succeed
(D) is likely to fail
Multiple Choice
ID- 8712
118. He is cut out for politics.
(A) likes politics
(B) dislike politics
(C) is unfit for politics
(D) is fit for politics
Multiple Choice
ID- 8713
119. I know ins and outs of this case.
(A) a few things
(B) nothing
(C) everything
(D) secrets
Multiple Choice
ID- 8715
120. In these materialistic times people care little for men of letters.
(A) powerful people
(B) who write good letters
(C) poor people
(D) scholars
Multiple Choice
ID- 8718
121. Mr. A.P. Singh prove to be the dark horse in the election.
(A) expected winner
(B) loser of the security deposit
(C) loser
(D) unexpected winner
Multiple Choice
ID- 8719
122. He follows a dog-in-the-manager policy.
(A) harmful policy
(B) a policy that benefits him
(C) a policy that benefits other
(D) a policy that benefits neither him nor others
Multiple Choice
ID- 8720
123. My friend has let me down many times.
(A) betrayed me
(B) helped me
(C) criticised me
(D) praised me
Multiple Choice
ID- 8722
124. I am feeling out of sorts today.
(A) busy
(B) indifferent
(C) well
(D) slightly indisposed
Multiple Choice
ID- 8723
125. Some people think that the life of a minister these days must be a bed of roses.
(A) wearisome
(B) troublesome
(C) comfortable
(D) colourful
Multiple Choice
ID- 8726
126. Every profession has some black sheep in it.
(A) good people
(B) people with black colour
(C) bad people
(D) renowned people
Multiple Choice
ID- 19320
127. look after
(A) To win
(B) To succed
(C) Take care of
(D) To lose