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Bihar Board
Class 12th
English Medium
हिन्दी माध्यम
English Grammar
» Antonyms
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Bihar Board
Class 12th
English Medium
हिन्दी माध्यम
English Grammar
» Antonyms
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Multiple Choice
ID- 560
1. The antonym of 'Accept'-
(A) Reject
(B) Hard
(C) Pick
(D) Give
Multiple Choice
ID- 564
2. The antonym of 'Alive'-
(A) Walk
(B) River
(C) God
(D) Dead
Multiple Choice
ID- 565
3. The antonym of 'Active'-
(A) Inactive
(B) Walking
(C) garden
(D) Hard
Multiple Choice
ID- 567
4. The antonym of 'Bad'-
(A) Tough
(B) Good
(C) Hard
(D) Manner
Multiple Choice
ID- 569
5. The antonym of 'Catch'-
(A) Drop
(B) Pick
(C) give
(D) throw
Multiple Choice
ID- 576
6. The antonym of'Enjoy'-
(A) Halk
(B) Favorite
(C) Like
(D) Hate
Multiple Choice
ID- 689
7. The Antonyms of 'Easy'-
(A) soft
(B) clear
(C) plain
(D) Difficult
Multiple Choice
ID- 690
8. The antonym of 'Happy'-
(A) sad
(B) pleasure
(C) Light
(D) Fit
Multiple Choice
ID- 692
9. The antonym of 'Heat'-
(A) Hot
(B) Sunny
(C) Cold
(D) Water
Multiple Choice
ID- 787
10. The antonym of 'Light'-
(A) Bulb
(B) Dark
(C) Electric
(D) Switch
Multiple Choice
ID- 788
11. The antonym of 'Grate'-
(A) Small
(B) Ordinary
(C) Big
(D) Kind
Multiple Choice
ID- 789
12. The antonym of 'new'-
(A) Old
(B) Press
(C) Soft
(D) Shine
Multiple Choice
ID- 790
13. The antonym of 'Solitary'-
(A) Noisy
(B) Quiet
(C) Crowded
(D) None of these
Multiple Choice
ID- 791
14. The antonym of 'Native'-
(A) Indigenous
(B) Endemic
(C) Alied
(D) Inborn
Multiple Choice
ID- 792
15. The antonym of 'Accord'-
(A) Solution
(B) Act
(C) Dissent
(D) Concord
Multiple Choice
ID- 793
16. The antonym of 'Autonomy'-
(A) Submissivences
(B) Dependence
(C) Disbelief
(D) Libery
Multiple Choice
ID- 794
17. The antonym of 'of pacify'-
(A) Agitate
(B) Soothe
(C) Light
(D) Anguish
Multiple Choice
ID- 795
18. The antonym of 'Obedient'-
(A) Calm
(B) Curious
(C) Clever
(D) Unruly
Multiple Choice
ID- 796
19. The antonym of 'Ruthless'-
(A) Majestic
(B) pity
(C) Merciful
(D) Grief
Multiple Choice
ID- 831
20. The antonym of 'Loyal'-
(A) Satiate
(B) Abstain
(C) Coddle
(D) Pamper
Multiple Choice
ID- 870
21. The antonyam of 'Loyal'-
(A) Rebellious
(B) Courageous
(C) Faithful
(D) Friendly
Multiple Choice
ID- 871
22. The antonym of 'Terrible'-
(A) Horrible
(B) Appalling
(C) Delightful
(D) Hideous
Multiple Choice
ID- 872
23. The antonym of 'Confess'-
(A) Deny
(B) Assert
(C) Contest
(D) Contend
Multiple Choice
ID- 873
24. The antonym of 'Appropriate'-
(A) Apposite
(B) Unsuitable
(C) Relevant
(D) Seemly
Multiple Choice
ID- 874
25. The antonym of 'Judicious'-
(A) Unequal
(B) Unlawful
(C) Impure
(D) Indiscrect
Multiple Choice
ID- 875
26. the antonym of 'Spread'-
(A) Agitate
(B) Diffuse
(C) Feast
(D) Conceal
Multiple Choice
ID- 876
27. The antonym of 'Ancestors' -
(A) Supporters
(B) Disciples
(C) Followers
(D) Descendants
Multiple Choice
ID- 877
28. The antonyms of 'Universal' -
(A) Global
(B) Miniature
(C) Regional
(D) Subsidiary
Multiple Choice
ID- 878
29. The antonym of 'Mitigate'-
(A) Stagnate
(B) Aggravate
(C) Suffer
(D) Instigate
Multiple Choice
ID- 879
30. The antonym of 'Eclipse'-
(A) Shine
(B) Enlarge
(C) Conceal
(D) Gleam
Multiple Choice
ID- 880
31. The antonym of 'Vital'-
(A) Crucial
(B) Integral
(C) Unimportant
(D) Necessary
Multiple Choice
ID- 881
32. The antonym of 'Harmony'-
(A) Consensus
(B) Amicability
(C) Discord
(D) Peace
Multiple Choice
ID- 882
33. The antonym of 'Criticise'-
(A) Judge
(B) Appreciate
(C) Denounce
(D) Analyse
Multiple Choice
ID- 883
34. the antonym of 'Amnesty'-
(A) hostility
(B) Punishment
(C) Immunity
(D) Acquittal
Multiple Choice
ID- 884
35. The antonym of 'Secular'-
(A) Corrupt
(B) Religious
(C) Profane
(D) Immoral
Multiple Choice
ID- 885
36. THe antonyms of 'Seldom'-
(A) Rerely
(B) Hardly
(C) Often
(D) Never
Multiple Choice
ID- 886
37. The antonym of 'Establish'-
(A) Determine
(B) Uproot
(C) Show
(D) Decree
Multiple Choice
ID- 977
38. The antonym of 'Keen'-
(A) Dull
(B) Rogue
(C) Ardent
(D) Shrewd
Multiple Choice
ID- 978
39. The antonym of 'Urban'-
(A) City
(B) Town
(C) Metropolitan
(D) Rural
Multiple Choice
ID- 979
40. The antonym of 'Sympathy'-
(A) Pity
(B) Empathy
(C) Abhorrence
(D) Apathy
Multiple Choice
ID- 980
41. The antonym of 'Virtue'-
(A) Vice
(B) Quality
(C) Asset
(D) Purity
Multiple Choice
ID- 981
42. The antonym of 'Boost'-
(A) Wax
(B) Hike
(C) Hinder
(D) Rebuke
Multiple Choice
ID- 982
43. The antonym of 'Thrift'-
(A) Purchase
(B) Gain
(C) Waste
(D) Invest
Multiple Choice
ID- 983
44. The antonym of 'Worried'-
(A) Untroubled
(B) Upset
(C) Afraid
(D) Anxious
Multiple Choice
ID- 984
45. The antonym of 'Bliss'-
(A) Euphoria
(B) Sorrow
(C) Elation
(D) Beatitude
Multiple Choice
ID- 985
46. The antonym of 'Bashful'-
(A) Sheepish
(B) Chaste
(C) coy
(D) Confident
Multiple Choice
ID- 986
47. The antonym of "Acute"-
(A) Dull
(B) Sensitive
(C) Critical
(D) Sharp
Multiple Choice
ID- 987
48. The antonyam of "Nervous"-
(A) Bold
(B) Doubthful
(C) Timid
(D) Shrewish
Multiple Choice
ID- 988
49. The antonym of "Miserly"-
(A) Abject
(B) Splebdid
(C) Close
(D) Generous
Multiple Choice
ID- 989
50. The antonym of "Delete"-
(A) Impound
(B) Insert
(C) Inspire
(D) Injure
Multiple Choice
ID- 990
51. The antonym of "Voluntary"-
(A) Ordered
(B) Alternative
(C) Compulsory
(D) Optional
Multiple Choice
ID- 991
52. The antonym of "Roughly"-
(A) Exactly
(B) Partially
(C) Pointedly
(D) Never
Multiple Choice
ID- 992
53. The antonym of "Seldom"-
(A) Rarely
(B) Scarcely
(C) Often
(D) Never
Multiple Choice
ID- 993
54. The antonym of "Attack"-
(A) Advance
(B) Rush
(C) Strike
(D) Defend
Multiple Choice
ID- 994
55. The antonym of "Extravagant"-
(A) Profuse
(B) Miser
(C) Kind
(D) Seller
Multiple Choice
ID- 995
56. The antonym of "Rarely"-
(A) Seldom
(B) Daily
(C) Never
(D) Used to
Multiple Choice
ID- 996
57. The antonym of "Base"-
(A) Noble
(B) Happy
(C) Courageous
(D) Carefully
Multiple Choice
ID- 997
58. The antonym of "Natural"s-
(A) Golden
(B) Beautiful
(C) Bright
(D) Artificial
Multiple Choice
ID- 1022
59. He is happy of being here.(Choose the correct antonym of the underlined word)
(A) First
(B) Sad
(C) Jolly
(D) Excited
Multiple Choice
ID- 1023
60. The antonym of "lgnorance"-
(A) Innocence
(B) Darkness
(C) Incapacity
(D) Knowledge
Multiple Choice
ID- 1024
61. The antonym of "Scatter"-
(A) Care
(B) Suitable
(C) Gather
(D) Litter
Multiple Choice
ID- 1025
62. The antonym of "Timid"-
(A) Bold
(B) Shy
(C) Clever
(D) Wise
Multiple Choice
ID- 1026
63. The antonym of "Abandon"-
(A) Leave
(B) Resign
(C) Renounce
(D) Adopt
Multiple Choice
ID- 1027
64. The antonym of "Abuse"-
(A) Ill-treat
(B) Damage
(C) Praise
(D) Destroy
Multiple Choice
ID- 1028
65. The antonym of "Accurate"-
(A) Precise
(B) Deceptive
(C) Particular
(D) Certain
Multiple Choice
ID- 1029
66. The antonym of "Combination"-
(A) Detachment
(B) Unite
(C) Extortion
(D) Gathering
Multiple Choice
ID- 1030
67. The antonym of "Consider"-
(A) Ignore
(B) Grant
(C) Inspect
(D) Formal
Multiple Choice
ID- 1031
68. The antonym of "Negligent"-
(A) Careful
(B) Confusion
(C) Attention
(D) Attitude
Multiple Choice
ID- 1032
69. The antonym of "Hesitation"-
(A) Certaintly
(B) Confusion
(C) Attention
(D) Bold
Multiple Choice
ID- 1033
70. The antonym of "Punish"-
(A) Discipline
(B) Reward
(C) Advance
(D) Chasten
Multiple Choice
ID- 1034
71. The antonym of "Credible"-
(A) Unchangeable
(B) Unpopular
(C) Unbelievable
(D) Invincible
Multiple Choice
ID- 1035
72. The antonym of "Fixed"-
(A) Affixed
(B) Scheduled
(C) Undecided
(D) Attached
Multiple Choice
ID- 1036
73. The antonym of "Gloomy"-
(A) Devotional
(B) Rejoicing
(C) Stainless
(D) Dim
Multiple Choice
ID- 1037
74. The antonym of "Unique"-
(A) Rare
(B) Different
(C) Common
(D) Solo
Multiple Choice
ID- 1038
75. The antonym of "Myth"-
(A) Tale
(B) Fact
(C) Fiction
(D) Vision
Multiple Choice
ID- 1043
76. The antonym of "Nasty"-
(A) Noisy
(B) Clean
(C) Dirty
(D) Foul
Multiple Choice
ID- 1044
77. The antonym of "Normal"-
(A) Rival
(B) Enemy
(C) Pal
(D) Abnormal
Multiple Choice
ID- 1045
78. We are going to talk with our enemies.(Choose the correct antonym of the underlined word)
(A) Lost
(B) Friends
(C) Neighbours
(D) Rivals
Multiple Choice
ID- 1046
79. The antonym of "Attractive"-
(A) Repugnant
(B) Bad
(C) Loathsome
(D) Repulsive
Multiple Choice
ID- 1149
80. The antonym of "Rational"-
(A) Ironic
(B) Saintly
(C) Insane
(D) Moral
Multiple Choice
ID- 1150
81. The antonym of "Rigid"-
(A) Hard
(B) Toxic
(C) Strong
(D) Flexible
Multiple Choice
ID- 1154
82. The antonym of "Hale"-
(A) Freak
(B) Jealous
(C) Weak
(D) Valour
Multiple Choice
ID- 1157
83. The antonym of "Magnify"-
(A) Reduce
(B) Induce
(C) Produce
(D) Destroy
Multiple Choice
ID- 1159
84. The antonym of "Melodious"-
(A) Agreeable
(B) Enemy
(C) Harsh
(D) Innovative
Multiple Choice
ID- 1161
85. The antonym of "Severe"-
(A) Harsh
(B) Mild
(C) Strict
(D) Relentless
Multiple Choice
ID- 1162
86. The antonym of "Shabby"-
(A) Bleak
(B) Mean
(C) Poor
(D) Wealthy
Multiple Choice
ID- 1168
87. The antonym of "Trivial"-
(A) Serious
(B) Petty
(C) Calm
(D) Dainty
Multiple Choice
ID- 1170
88. The antonym of "Wit"-
(A) Satire
(B) Seriousness
(C) Wise
(D) Homorous
Multiple Choice
ID- 1171
89. The antonym of "Zeal"-
(A) Passion
(B) Enthusiasm
(C) Splendor
(D) Apathy
Multiple Choice
ID- 1173
90. The antonym of "Examine"-
(A) Inspect
(B) Ignore
(C) Analyse
(D) Probe
Multiple Choice
ID- 1176
91. The antonym of "Furious"-
(A) Calm
(B) Crazy
(C) Angry
(D) Violent
Multiple Choice
ID- 1178
92. The antonym of "Knowledge"-
(A) Awareness
(B) Ignorance
(C) Wisdom
(D) Learning
Multiple Choice
ID- 1180
93. The antonym of "Living"-
(A) Existence
(B) Persisting
(C) Lifeless
(D) Livelihood
Multiple Choice
ID- 1182
94. The antonym of "Moisture"-
(A) Wetness
(B) Dryness
(C) Dampness
(D) Roughness
Multiple Choice
ID- 1184
95. The antonym of "Quit"-
(A) Remain
(B) Depart
(C) Leave
(D) Abandon
Multiple Choice
ID- 1186
96. The antonym of "Save"-
(A) Spend
(B) Pritect
(C) Beat
(D) Help
Multiple Choice
ID- 1188
97. The antonym of "Serious"-
(A) Thoughtful
(B) Insincere
(C) Sad
(D) Funny
Multiple Choice
ID- 8359
98. The antonym of 'Disparage'–
(A) criticise
(B) underrate
(C) praise
(D) censure
Multiple Choice
ID- 8361
99. The antonym of 'Beautiful'–
(A) good
(B) attractive
(C) ugly
(D) fine
Multiple Choice
ID- 8364
100. The antonym of 'Obvious'–
(A) obscure
(B) difficult
(C) uncertrain
(D) false
Multiple Choice
ID- 8366
101. The antonym of 'Lank'–
(A) witty
(B) timid
(C) fat
(D) dark
Multiple Choice
ID- 8368
102. The antonym of 'Dwarf'-
(A) radiant
(B) tarnished
(C) intricate
(D) dusky
Multiple Choice
ID- 8370
103. The antonym of 'Haphazard'–
(A) fourtuitous
(B) indifferent
(C) delibereat
(D) accidental
Multiple Choice
ID- 8569
104. The antonym of 'Dingy'-
(A) radiant
(B) tarnished
(C) intricate
(D) ducky
Multiple Choice
ID- 8571
105. The antonym of 'Ancient'-
(A) new
(B) modern
(C) fresh
(D) contemporary
Multiple Choice
ID- 8574
106. The antonym of 'Lament'-
(A) rejoice
(B) enjoy
(C) laugh
(D) smile
Multiple Choice
ID- 8575
107. The antonym of 'Terminate'-
(A) pacify
(B) abolish
(C) restrain
(D) begin
Multiple Choice
ID- 8580
108. The antonym of 'Pacify'-
(A) darken
(B) threaten
(C) challenge
(D) quarrel
Multiple Choice
ID- 8581
109. The antonym of 'Care'-
(A) ignore
(B) neglect
(C) forget
(D) avoid
Multiple Choice
ID- 8584
110. The antonym of 'Hostile'-
(A) friendly
(B) stable
(C) stationaty
(D) volatile
Multiple Choice
ID- 8586
111. The antonym of 'Candid'-
(A) vague
(B) decepitve
(C) cunning
(D) rude
Multiple Choice
ID- 8589
112. The antonym of 'Macabre'-
(A) gruesome
(B) attractive
(C) trash
(D) splendour
Multiple Choice
ID- 8592
113. The antonym of 'Gregarious'-
(A) anit-social
(B) glorious
(C) horrendous
(D) similar