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Voice: Passive to Active
Bihar Board
Class 10th
English Medium
हिन्दी माध्यम
English Grammar
» Voice: Passive to Active
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Voice: Passive to Active
Bihar Board
Class 10th
English Medium
हिन्दी माध्यम
English Grammar
» Voice: Passive to Active
Objective Questions
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Multiple Choice
ID- 661
2018A, I.A.
1. He was given a prize by the teacher. (Choose the suitable active voice).
(A) The teacher gave him a prize.
(B) The teacher may have given him a prize.
(C) The teacher will have given him a prize.
(D) The teacher has give him a prize.
Multiple Choice
ID- 662
2. We are taught grammar by Mr. Singh. (Choose the best active voice).
(A) Mr. Singh teaches us grammar.
(B) Mr. Singh teaching us grammar.
(C) Mr. Singh taught us grammar.
(D) Mr. Singh will teach grammar.
Multiple Choice
ID- 663
2019C, I.Sc.;2020A, I.Sc.
3. The windows have been cleaned. (Choose the best active voice).
(A) Someone may clean the windows.
(B) Someone had cleaned the windows.
(C) Someone has cleaned the windows.
(D) Someone will clean the windows.
Multiple Choice
ID- 664
2020A, I.A.
4. The room will be cleaned by Ramu. (Choose the correct active voice).
(A) Ramu had cleaned the room.
(B) Ramu was to cleaned the room.
(C) Ramu will clean the room.
(D) Ramu win to clean the room.
Multiple Choice
ID- 665
2019A, I.Sc.
5. The house was painted by Tom. (Choose the best Active voice).
(A) Tom was painting the house.
(B) Tom is painting the house.
(C) Tom paints the house.
(D) Tom painted the house.
Multiple Choice
ID- 666
2021A, I.Sc.
6. By whom was the bird killed? (Choose the correct active voice)
(A) Who killing the bird?
(B) Who has killed the bird?
(C) Who killed the bird?
(D) Bird killing by whom?
Multiple Choice
ID- 667
2021A, I.Sc.
7. This nonsense will not be tolerated by me. (Choose the correct active voice).
(A) Will I never tolerate this nonsense.
(B) I will not tolerate this nonsense.
(C) I had not tolerated this nonsense.
(D) Nonsense will not be tolerated by I.
Multiple Choice
ID- 668
2021A, I.A.
8. Let a doctor be sent for. (Choose the active voice).
(A) Sending for a doctor.
(B) Doctor be sending for.
(C) Send for a doctor.
(D) Doctor may be sent.
Multiple Choice
ID- 669
9. Can those happy moment be ever forgotten by me?
(A) Shall I ever forget those happy moments?
(B) Can I ever forget those happy moments?
(C) Will I ever forget those happy moments?
(D) Could I ever forget those happy moments?
Multiple Choice
ID- 670
2018A, I.A.
10. Let the windows be closed. (Choose the suitable Active voice).
(A) The windows have been closed.
(B) The windows will be closed.
(C) The windows may be closed.
(D) Close the windows.
Multiple Choice
ID- 8526
11. He was published for his folly.
(A) We punished his folly for him.
(B) We punished him his folly
(C) We had punished him for his folly
(D) We punished him for his folly
Multiple Choice
ID- 8530
12. The prize can be won by him.
(A) He can win the prize.
(B) He can won the prizes.
(C) He can win by prize.
(D) He can win the prize by me.
Multiple Choice
ID- 8552
13. Oxgen is provided by the trees.
(A) The tree provided oxygen.
(B) The trees provided oxygen.
(C) The trees provided by oxygen.
(D) The trees provided oxygen.
Multiple Choice
ID- 8562
14. Are you ever helped by your friend?
(A) Does your friend help you?
(B) Dose your friend ever help you?
(C) Your friend ever helps you?
(D) You ever helped your friend.
Multiple Choice
ID- 8570
15. She was loved by her father.
(A) Her father loved by her.
(B) His father loved her.
(C) Her father loved her.
(D) Her father love by her.
Multiple Choice
ID- 8577
16. Forests must be preserved by us.
(A) We must preserved forest.
(B) We must preserve forests.
(C) We must preserved by forests.
(D) We must by preserved forests.
Multiple Choice
ID- 8588
17. Many will be surprized at the election results.
(A) The election results are going to surprize many.
(B) The election results surprized many.
(C) The election results will surprize many.
(D) The election results will be surprize many.
Multiple Choice
ID- 8595
18. When will the building be completed?
(A) When will they be complete the building?
(B) When they will complete the building?
(C) When will they going to complete the building?
(D) When will they complete the building?
Multiple Choice
ID- 8600
19. All of us will be laughed at if we go there in this dress.
(A) They will laugh at us if we go there in this dress.
(B) They will laugh us all if we go there in dress.
(C) They will laught at all of us if we go there in this dress.
(D) They will be laughing at all of us if we go there in this dress.
Multiple Choice
ID- 8601
20. Will he ever be forgotten?
(A) Will we ever forget him?
(B) Shall we ever forget him?
(C) Can we ever forget him?
(D) Did we ever forget him?
Multiple Choice
ID- 8605
21. What is being done about it?
(A) What are they doing it?
(B) What they are doing about it?
(C) What are they doing about it?
(D) What about it they are doing?
Multiple Choice
ID- 8608
22. One of her brothers has been sent to jail.
(A) The police have sent her one brother to jail
(B) The police have sent her brothers to jail.
(C) The police had sent one her brothers to jail .
(D) The police have sent one of brothers to jail.
Multiple Choice
ID- 8610
23. All the taxes must be paid by the end of March.
(A) We have to pay the taxes by the end of March.
(B) We have to pay all the taxes by the end of March .
(C) We should pay all the taxes by the end of March.
(D) We must pay all the taxes by the end of March.
Multiple Choice
ID- 8612
24. It has to be done at any cost.
(A) We must do it any cost.
(B) We should do it at any cost.
(C) We shall do it at any cost.
(D) We have to do it at any cost.
Multiple Choice
ID- 8617
25. Tow of my cups have been broken by my maid-servent.
(A) His maid-servent has broken my tow Cups.
(B) My maid-servent has broken my tow Cups.
(C) My maid-servent has broken tow of my cups.
(D) My maid-servent broke two of my cups.
Multiple Choice
ID- 8623
26. He was killed by lightning.
(A) Lightning has killed him.
(B) Lightning killed him.
(C) He killed lightning.
(D) Lightning will him.
Multiple Choice
ID- 8630
27. My boyfriend Ravi is Well spoken of.
(A) They speak my boy-friend Ravi well.
(B) They have spoken well of my boyfriend Ravi.
(C) They speak well of my boyfriend Ravi.
(D) They will speak well of my boyfriend Ravi.
Multiple Choice
ID- 8634
28. He had been warned against the danger much earlier.
(A) We warned him against the danger much earlier.
(B) We had warned him against the danger much earlier.
(C) We had to warn him against the danger much earlier.
(D) We had been warning him against the danger for a long time.