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One Word Substitutions
Bihar Board
Class 10th
English Medium
हिन्दी माध्यम
English Grammar
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One Word Substitutions
Bihar Board
Class 10th
English Medium
हिन्दी माध्यम
English Grammar
» One Word Substitutions
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Multiple Choice
ID- 724
2019A, I.Sc.
1. Those who work in the same department are .......... .
(A) college
(B) colleagues
(C) friends
(D) batch mates
Multiple Choice
ID- 725
2019C, I.Sc.;2020A, I.Sc.
2. A written statement or oath is an .......... .
(A) ample
(B) letter
(C) affidavit
(D) None of these
Multiple Choice
ID- 726
2020A, I.Sc.
3. A child whose parents are dead is .......... .
(A) lonely
(B) orphan
(C) single
(D) alone
Multiple Choice
ID- 727
2021A, I.Sc.
4. Give one word substitution for– 'A person who parents a radio/television programme.'
(A) Astronaut
(B) Anthropologist
(C) Anchor
(D) Ancher
Multiple Choice
ID- 728
2021A, I.Sc.
5. One who dies for a noble cause a–
(A) Martyr
(B) Patriot
(C) Mercenary
(D) Robber
Multiple Choice
ID- 729
2021A, I.A.
6. A place for luggage at a railway station is called–
(A) Compartment
(B) Waiting room
(C) Cloak room
(D) Platform
Multiple Choice
ID- 730
2021A, I.A.
7. Give one word substitution for: 'Fit to be chosen.'
(A) Eligible
(B) Suitable
(C) capable
(D) valuable
Multiple Choice
ID- 731
8. The study of coins–
(A) Lexiography
(B) Astronomy
(C) Numimatics
(D) Anomaly
Multiple Choice
ID- 732
9. A government by rich and powerful class–
(A) Autocracy
(B) Theocracy
(C) Arisocracy
(D) Bureaucracy
Multiple Choice
ID- 733
10. Matter written by hand–
(A) Plagiarism
(B) Entymology
(C) Autobiography
(D) Manuscript
Multiple Choice
ID- 734
11. A trade or act prohibited by law–
(A) Sin
(B) Ethical
(C) Illicit
(D) Law abiding
Multiple Choice
ID- 735
12. That which cannot be defeated–
(A) Invincible
(B) Incredible
(C) Incomparable
(D) None of these
Multiple Choice
ID- 736
13. A government by the novels is called—
(A) Aristocracy
(B) Democracy
(C) Autocracy
(D) Bureaucracy
Multiple Choice
ID- 737
14. Belongging to the same country and having same interest and feelings—
(A) Patriot
(B) Comrade
(C) Compatriot
(D) Native
Multiple Choice
ID- 738
15. Public sale in which articals are sold to highest bidders—
(A) Sale
(B) Auction
(C) Wholesale
(D) Marketing
Multiple Choice
ID- 739
16. A disease which is spread by contract—
(A) Infectious
(B) Spreading
(C) Epidemic
(D) Contagious
Multiple Choice
ID- 740
17. Using of new words—
(A) Coinage
(B) Neologism
(C) Vocabulary
(D) Malapropism
Multiple Choice
ID- 741
18. A field or a part of a garden where fruit trees growing—
(A) Park
(B) Nursery
(C) Orchard
(D) Yard
Multiple Choice
ID- 742
19. One who is likeable—
(A) Civilised
(B) Amiable
(C) Effusive
(D) Deponent
Multiple Choice
ID- 743
20. A fault that may able forgiven—
(A) Venial
(B) Mercenary
(C) Corrupt
(D) Grabby
Multiple Choice
ID- 744
21. A speech delivered without any preparation—
(A) Debate
(B) Declamation
(C) Extempore
(D) Symposium
Multiple Choice
ID- 745
22. A government by one person—
(A) Democracy
(B) Dictatorship
(C) Bureaucracy
(D) Aristocracy
Multiple Choice
ID- 747
23. A public show of objects—
(A) Exhibition
(B) Sale
(C) Zoo
(D) Aquarium
Multiple Choice
ID- 748
24. Persons living at the same time—
(A) Colleagues
(B) Contemporariesa
(C) Ancestors
(D) Forefathers
Multiple Choice
ID- 749
25. One who loves one's country—
(A) Revolutioner
(B) Traitor
(C) Patriot
(D) Ambassador
Multiple Choice
ID- 750
26. Study of the influence on stars on human affairs—
(A) Astronomy
(B) Zoology
(C) Astrology
(D) Biology
Multiple Choice
ID- 751
27. Speaking aloud while alone—
(A) Prologue
(B) Soliloquy
(C) Diologue
(D) Epilogue
Multiple Choice
ID- 752
28. A government by officials—
(A) Democracy
(B) Autocracy
(C) Aristocracy
(D) Bureaucracy
Multiple Choice
ID- 753
29. One who knows many languages—
(A) Billingual
(B) Linguist
(C) Philosopher
(D) Narrator
Multiple Choice
ID- 754
30. The life-history of a man written by someone else—
(A) Autobiography
(B) Biography
(C) Calligraphy
(D) Autography
Multiple Choice
ID- 755
31. Study of mankind—
(A) Pathology
(B) Physiology
(C) Philology
(D) Antropology
Multiple Choice
ID- 756
32. International destruction of racial groups—
(A) Homicide
(B) Genocide
(C) Fratricide
(D) Regicide
Multiple Choice
ID- 757
33. One who is interested in the welfare of women—
(A) Feminine
(B) Feminist
(C) Effeminate
(D) Flamboyant
Multiple Choice
ID- 758
34. A sudden rush of wind—
(A) Gale
(B) Typhoon
(C) Gust
(D) Storm
Multiple Choice
ID- 759
35. One who takes delight in excessive cruelty—
(A) Anarchist
(B) Sophist
(C) Sadist
(D) Nihilist
Multiple Choice
ID- 760
36. An unexpected stroke of good luck—
(A) Fortune
(B) Windfall
(C) Boon
(D) Breakthrough
Multiple Choice
ID- 761
37. A person who helps you break the law—
(A) Spy
(B) Collaborator
(C) Ally
(D) Accomplice
Multiple Choice
ID- 762
38. Stealing from the writing of others—
(A) Copying
(B) Reframing
(C) Reproducing
(D) Plagiarism
Multiple Choice
ID- 763
39. A person who is reserved in talks—
(A) Reticent
(B) Silent
(C) Mendicant
(D) Garrulous
Multiple Choice
ID- 764
40. A short stay at a place—
(A) Halt
(B) Interlude
(C) Intermission
(D) Sojourn
Multiple Choice
ID- 765
41. A raised place on which offerings to a god are made—
(A) Mound
(B) Chapel
(C) Altar
(D) Archieves
Multiple Choice
ID- 766
42. To talk much without coming to the point—
(A) Verbosity
(B) Garrulousness
(C) Loquacity
(D) Circumlocution
Multiple Choice
ID- 767
43. A place where a wild animal lives—
(A) Forest
(B) Stable
(C) Lair
(D) Sanctuary
Multiple Choice
ID- 768
44. A person who looks on the bright side of things—
(A) Sycophant
(B) Optimist
(C) Cynic
(D) Pessimist
Multiple Choice
ID- 769
45. One who lends money at high rate of interest—
(A) Solvent
(B) Uxorious
(C) Usurer
(D) Shylock
Multiple Choice
ID- 770
46. One who cuts precious stones—
(A) Philatelist
(B) Drover
(C) Lapidist
(D) Oculist
Multiple Choice
ID- 771
47. Government by the Gods—
(A) Plutocracy
(B) Theocracy
(C) Thearchy
(D) Pantisocracy
Multiple Choice
ID- 772
48. A person not sure of the existence of God—
(A) Theist
(B) Atheist
(C) Agnostic
(D) Cynic
Multiple Choice
ID- 773
49. One who compiled dictionary—
(A) Calligrapher
(B) Editor
(C) Lexicographer
(D) Compiler
Multiple Choice
ID- 774
50. Which can be easily believed—
(A) Credulous
(B) Creditable
(C) Trustworthy
(D) Credible
Multiple Choice
ID- 775
51. One who deserts his religion—
(A) Deserter
(B) Turn-coat
(C) Fanatic
(D) Apostate
Multiple Choice
ID- 776
52. Medicine which lessons pain—
(A) Balm
(B) Panacea
(C) Anodyne
(D) Antibiotic
Multiple Choice
ID- 777
53. A woman whose husband is dead—
(A) Virgin
(B) Spinster
(C) Wedlock
(D) Window
Multiple Choice
ID- 778
54. To talk on to task—
(A) Disgrace
(B) Handle
(C) Entreat
(D) Rebuke
Multiple Choice
ID- 779
55. One who uses fear as a weapon of powder—
(A) Terrorist
(B) Militant
(C) Extremist
(D) Anarchist
Multiple Choice
ID- 780
56. A small piece of wood—
(A) Splinter
(B) Crumb
(C) Scrap
(D) Chip
Multiple Choice
ID- 781
57. Mania for setting fires—
(A) Pyromania
(B) Kleptomania
(C) Logomania
(D) Nymphomania
Multiple Choice
ID- 782
58. A pioneer of a reform movement—
(A) Renegade
(B) Apostle
(C) Apotheosis
(D) Apothecary
Multiple Choice
ID- 783
59. Wicked to a high degree—
(A) Cruel
(B) Hateful
(C) Heinous
(D) Abominable
Multiple Choice
ID- 784
60. The original inhabitants of a country—
(A) Aborigines
(B) Citizens
(C) Natives
(D) Primitive
Multiple Choice
ID- 785
61. Dungeon entered by trapdoor—
(A) Cellar
(B) Ditch
(C) Vault
(D) Oubliette
Multiple Choice
ID- 786
62. Our desirous of getting money—
(A) Avaracious
(B) Voracious
(C) Garrulous
(D) Greedy
Multiple Choice
ID- 797
63. Place where birds are kept—
(A) Zoo
(B) Apiary
(C) Armoury
(D) Aviary
Multiple Choice
ID- 798
64. A person with a beautiful and elegant handwriting—
(A) Calligrapher
(B) Collier
(C) Choreographer
(D) Cartographer
Multiple Choice
ID- 799
65. A person who is always dissatisfied—
(A) Heretic
(B) Felon
(C) Melcontent
(D) Surrogate
Multiple Choice
ID- 800
66. A person who speaks for or supports an idea—
(A) Pioneer
(B) Adviser
(C) Advocate
(D) Ideologist
Multiple Choice
ID- 801
67. A man of odd habits—
(A) Eccentric
(B) Cynical
(C) Introvert
(D) Moody
Multiple Choice
ID- 802
68. A thing or person behind time—
(A) Lazy
(B) Sluggish
(C) Indolent
(D) Antiquated
Multiple Choice
ID- 803
69. Science of printing—
(A) Calligraphy
(B) Typography
(C) Topography
(D) Cryptography
Multiple Choice
ID- 804
70. Man whose wife has been unfaithful to him—
(A) Dandy
(B) Bastard
(C) Concubine
(D) Cuckold
Multiple Choice
ID- 805
71. One who pretends illness to escape duty—
(A) Truant
(B) Malingerer
(C) Hypocrite
(D) Concubine
Multiple Choice
ID- 806
72. A person who rarely speaks the truth—
(A) Scoundrel
(B) Liar
(C) Crook
(D) Hypocrite
Multiple Choice
ID- 807
73. Time after twilight and before night—
(A) Evening
(B) Dawn
(C) Dusk
(D) Eclipse
Multiple Choice
ID- 808
74. Custom of having many wives—
(A) Polyandry
(B) Polygyngy
(C) Matrimony
(D) Celibacy
Multiple Choice
ID- 809
75. To bring peace, and end-violence—
(A) Soothe
(B) Harmonise
(C) Pacify
(D) Tranquilize
Multiple Choice
ID- 810
76. Animals living on land and in water—
(A) Ambiguous
(B) Amphibian
(C) Amorphous
(D) Ambivalent
Multiple Choice
ID- 811
77. One who plays a game for pleasure and not professionally—
(A) Veteran
(B) Player
(C) Connisseur
(D) Amateur
Multiple Choice
ID- 812
78. That which can be interpreted in anyway—
(A) Ambient
(B) Ambivalent
(C) Amphibious
(D) Ambiguous
Multiple Choice
ID- 813
79. A political leader who tries to stir up people—
(A) Demagogue
(B) Dictator
(C) Statesman
(D) Martinet
Multiple Choice
ID- 814
80. Person who has long experience—
(A) Stalwart
(B) Pedantic
(C) Itinerant
(D) Veteran
Multiple Choice
ID- 815
81. Atonement for one's sins—
(A) Redemption
(B) Repentance
(C) Salvation
(D) Expiation
Multiple Choice
ID- 816
82. A general pardon of political offenders—
(A) Parole
(B) Forgiveness
(C) Clemency
(D) Amnesty
Multiple Choice
ID- 817
83. A man who operates on sick people—
(A) Physician
(B) Operator
(C) Surgeon
(D) Physiotherapist
Multiple Choice
ID- 818
84. A person who maliciously destroys by fire—
(A) Antagonist
(B) Activist
(C) Terrorist
(D) Incendiary
Multiple Choice
ID- 819
85. A house of storing grains—
(A) Cellar
(B) Store
(C) Goddown
(D) Granary
Multiple Choice
ID- 820
86. A person very hard to please—
(A) Obstinate
(B) Unconquerable
(C) Fastidious
(D) Invincible
Multiple Choice
ID- 821
87. One who totally abstains from alcoholic drinks—
(A) Puritan
(B) Samaritan
(C) Pedant
(D) Teetotaller
Multiple Choice
ID- 822
88. A name adopted by an author in his writings—
(A) Title
(B) Nomenclature
(C) Nickname
(D) Pseudonym
Multiple Choice
ID- 823
89. Members of a band of robbers—
(A) Dacoit
(B) Brigand
(C) Thief
(D) Pirate
Multiple Choice
ID- 824
90. A person without manners of polish—
(A) Rustic
(B) Naive
(C) Boorich
(D) Barbarian
Multiple Choice
ID- 825
91. A speech by an actor the end of a play—
(A) Epilogue
(B) Monologue
(C) Duologue
(D) Prologue
Multiple Choice
ID- 826
92. Responsible according to law—
(A) Liable
(B) Eligible
(C) Legalised
(D) Legitimate
Multiple Choice
ID- 827
93. A funny imitation of a poem—
(A) Couterfeit
(B) Sonnet
(C) Caricature
(D) Parody
Multiple Choice
ID- 828
94. A person who is made to bear the blame due to others—
(A) Innocent
(B) Scapegoat
(C) Ignoramus
(D) Nincompoop
Multiple Choice
ID- 829
95. A place of idea peace and happiness—
(A) Asylum
(B) Utopia
(C) El Dorado
(D) Elysium
Multiple Choice
ID- 830
96. Cutting for stone in the bladder—
(A) Dichotomy
(B) Tubectomy
(C) Vasectomy
(D) Lithotomy
Multiple Choice
ID- 833
97. A heavy unnatural slumber—
(A) Nap
(B) Insomnia
(C) Coma
(D) Stupor
Multiple Choice
ID- 834
98. Changing one's mind too quickly—
(A) Adaptability
(B) Instability
(C) Versatility
(D) Vacillation
Multiple Choice
ID- 835
99. A person who travels to a scared place as an act of religious devotion—
(A) Hermit
(B) Pilgrim
(C) Saint
(D) Mendicant
Multiple Choice
ID- 836
100. To do away with a rule—
(A) Cancel
(B) Repeal
(C) Onliterate
(D) Abrogate
Multiple Choice
ID- 837
101. One who talks very little—
(A) Reserved
(B) Mute
(C) Phlegmatic
(D) Stoic
Multiple Choice
ID- 838
102. Food which agrees with one's taste—
(A) Pungent
(B) Palatable
(C) Sensuous
(D) Edible
Multiple Choice
ID- 839
103. Government by the representatives of the People—
(A) Diplomacy
(B) Democracy
(C) Socialism
(D) Autocracy
Multiple Choice
ID- 840
104. One who loves books—
(A) Bibliophobe
(B) Bibliographer
(C) Bibliophile
(D) Bibliophagist
Multiple Choice
ID- 841
105. One knowing everything—
(A) Learned
(B) Omnipresent
(C) Omnipotent
(D) Omniscient
Multiple Choice
ID- 842
106. Plane or Self-evident truth—
(A) Proverb
(B) Precept
(C) Truism
(D) Formula
Multiple Choice
ID- 843
107. Parts of a country behind the coast or a river's banks—
(A) Swamps
(B) Archipelago
(C) Hinterland
(D) Isthmus
Multiple Choice
ID- 844
108. Printed notice of somebody's death—
(A) Condolence
(B) Calumny
(C) Obituary
(D) Ouija
Multiple Choice
ID- 845
109. A room leading into a large room Or hall—
(A) Anteroom
(B) Lounge
(C) Lobby
(D) Pantry
Multiple Choice
ID- 846
110. Just punishement for wrong doing—
(A) Nemesis
(B) Purgation
(C) Wrath
(D) Catharsis
Multiple Choice
ID- 847
111. A person who has just started learning—
(A) Foreman
(B) Accomplice
(C) Novice
(D) Apprentice
Multiple Choice
ID- 1224
112. Those who work in the same depertment are ...........
(A) College
(B) Colleagues
(C) Friends
(D) Batch mates
Multiple Choice
ID- 1237
113. Give one word substitution for -"A person who presents a radio/television programme"
(A) Astronaut
(B) Anthropologist
(C) Anchor
(D) Archer
Multiple Choice
ID- 1238
114. One who dies for a noble cause is a -
(A) Martyr
(B) Patriot
(C) Mercenary
(D) Robber
Multiple Choice
ID- 1245
115. A government by the Nobels is called -
(A) Arisicracy
(B) Democracy
(C) Autocracy
(D) Bureaucracy
Multiple Choice
ID- 1246
116. Belonging to the same country and having same interest and feelings -
(A) Patriot
(B) Comrade
(C) Compatriot
(D) Native
Multiple Choice
ID- 1247
117. Public sale in which article are sold to highest bidders -
(A) Sale
(B) Auction
(C) Wholesale
(D) Marketing
Multiple Choice
ID- 1248
118. A disease which is spread by contact -
(A) Infectious
(B) Spreading
(C) Epidemic
(D) Contagious
Multiple Choice
ID- 1250
119. A field or a partof a garden where fruit trees grow -
(A) Park
(B) Nursery
(C) Orchard
(D) Yard
Multiple Choice
ID- 1269
120. Stealing from the writings of others-
(A) Copying
(B) Reframing
(C) Reproducing
(D) Plagiarism
Multiple Choice
ID- 1272
121. A raised place on which offerings to q good are made-
(A) Mound
(B) Chapel
(C) Altar
(D) Archives
Multiple Choice
ID- 1305
122. A person who looks on the bright side of things -
(A) Sycophant
(B) Optimist
(C) Cynic
(D) Pessimist
Multiple Choice
ID- 1310
123. One who compile dictionary -
(A) Calligrapher
(B) Editor
(C) Lexicographer
(D) Compiler
Multiple Choice
ID- 1313
124. Medicine which lessens pain-
(A) Balm
(B) Panacea
(C) Anodyne
(D) Antibiotic
Multiple Choice
ID- 1315
125. To take on to task-
(A) Disgrace
(B) Handle
(C) Entreat
(D) Rebuke
Multiple Choice
ID- 1316
126. One who uses fear as a weapon of power -
(A) Terrorist
(B) Militant
(C) Extremist
(D) Anarchist
Multiple Choice
ID- 1323
127. One desirous of getting money -
(A) Avaracious
(B) Voracious
(C) Garrulous
(D) Greedy
Multiple Choice
ID- 1324
128. Please where birds are kept -
(A) Zoo
(B) Apiary
(C) Armoury
(D) Aviary
Multiple Choice
ID- 1329
129. Science is printing -
(A) Calligraphy
(B) Typography
(C) Topography
(D) Cryptography
Multiple Choice
ID- 1338
130. That which can be interpreted in any way-
(A) Ambient
(B) Ambivalent
(C) Amphibious
(D) Ambiguous
Multiple Choice
ID- 1344
131. A house for storing grains-
(A) Cellar
(B) Store
(C) Goddown
(D) Granary
Multiple Choice
ID- 1346
132. One who totaly abstains from alcoholic drinks -
(A) Puritan
(B) Samaritan
(C) Pedant
(D) Teetoller
Multiple Choice
ID- 1347
133. A name adopted by an author in his writtings-
(A) Title
(B) Nomenclature
(C) Nickname
(D) Pseudonym
Multiple Choice
ID- 1349
134. A speech by an actor at the end of a play-
(A) Epilogue
(B) Monologue
(C) Duologue
(D) Prologue
Multiple Choice
ID- 1445
135. A place of ideal peace and happiness -
(A) Asylum
(B) Utopia
(C) El Dorado
(D) Elysium
Multiple Choice
ID- 1451
136. One who loves book-
(A) Bibliophobe
(B) Bibliography
(C) Bibliophile
(D) Bibliophagist
Multiple Choice
ID- 1453
137. Plain or self - evident truth-
(A) Proverb
(B) Precept
(C) Truism
(D) Formula
Multiple Choice
ID- 1455
138. Just punishment for wrong doing -
(A) Nemesis
(B) Purgation
(C) Wrath
(D) Catharsis
Multiple Choice
ID- 1456
139. A person who has just started larning-
(A) Foreman
(B) Accomplice
(C) Novice
(D) Apprentice